Passivhaus trip to Northern Italy

Playarquitectura travelled to the towns of Torbole, Bolzano and Balazzo del Grappa accompanied by the IG Passivhaus Veneto association to visit buildings completed or under construction according to the Passivhaus standard.
In Torbole we visited the first Passihaus hotel in Italy, the Ecohotel Bonapace located next to Lake Garda, which also has the Klimahaus Hotel Gold and Arca Platinum seals for its Sustainable construction. The hotel owners Aricco and Elisabetta, architect and hotel manager respectively, welcomed us with great warmth and familiarity and explained in great detail all the design and construction phases of the hotel, as well as the emerging eco-tourism market that their hotel is creating in the region. Visiting this hotel is a highly recommended experience for lovers of the Passivhaus standard as it allows you to experience the sensations of its interior comfort, as well as enjoying a privileged environment and unbeatable personal service.
In Bolzano we were able to visit the former post office building, which was masterfully renovated by architect Michael Tribus to meet the Passivhaus standard and offer an aesthetic lesson in the intervention. Inside the building we were offered a guided technical tour in which the entire process of the building's renovation was explained, which ended with the green roof from which you can see the entire city of Bolzano.
The trip ended with a visit to a single-family home under construction that attempts to combine traditional Italian construction systems with the new construction technologies of the Passivhaus standard. Thanks to the exhaustive explanations given by Giuseppe and Claudio from IG Passivhaus Veneto, we were able to understand the combination of traditional and modern construction techniques.
We would like to thank the staff at Ecohotel Bonapace, Michael Tribus and Giusseppe and Claudio from IG Passivhaus Veneto for their attention.