Play Arquitectura achieves the implementation of ISO 9001, 14001 and 14006

On June 1, 2016, Play Arquitectura obtained the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, ISO 14006:2011 and Efitecnic certificates. These certificates accredit the implementation of Quality Management and Environmental Management Systems in the organization, the implementation of an Environmental Management System for the Ecodesign design and development process, and that it meets the requirements of the EFITECNIC/2009 Model for Quality Assurance and Efficiency in the Management of Technical Offices.
Obtaining these certificates after passing two independent audits carried out by the Construction Institute of Castilla y León, represents recognition of the long-standing work of improvement in the design processes, project development, and assurance and control of the Quality and Efficiency of the Play Arquitectura Office.