October 27, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Play Arquitectura visited the 10th CEPH

On October 25, 26 and 27, Play Arquitectura attended the 10th Spanish Passivhaus Conference held at the Expo Congress Palace in Zaragoza.

The most notable aspect of the conference was the considerable examples of collective buildings designed and built under the Passivhaus standard, among which the developer Grupo LOBE stood out. This company, which started two years ago with its first Passivhaus developments, has incorporated the design, construction and certification process under the Passivhaus standard and currently the 100% of its development is Passivhaus with more than 1,000 homes planned.

Another notable example of collective housing was the cooperative project “Entrepatios Las Carolinas Promotion” presented by the SATT office in Madrid, with a very sustainable vision of architecture and the Passivhaus standard.

September 19, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Opening of the Rural House PH Casalarreina

On September 19, 2018, the inauguration of the Rural House renovated according to the Enerphit standard in Casalarreina was held.

More than 100 guests attended the inauguration, including the President of the Autonomous Community of La Rioja.

The reference work has entered the FEDER funds through ADRA, as it is a rehabilitation under a standard of almost Zero Energy Consumption and is the first Rural House in La Rioja designed as a Passivhaus.

June 7, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Official Visit to the Passivhaus Building Ministry

On June 7, 2018, an institutional visit was made to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Building Rehabilitated under standard Passivhaus and certified BREEAMThe visit, led by the Government delegate and the President of the Autonomous Community, aimed to learn about the details of the Rehabilitation and the high performance in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability of the Building.

The Play Arquitectura team attended the visit to explain the details of the project and the direction of the work, as well as all the unique features of this State pilot project that is currently a benchmark in energy efficiency and sustainability.

May 16, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Blower Door of Castroviejo Construction Site Surpassed

Today the Blower Door test was carried out in the Rehabilitation work under the Passivhaus standard of the Building located at Calle Doctores Castroviejo 9 in Logroño, which the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration will allocate to offices for various ministerial delegations.

The result of the test carried out by Energy House It has been very satisfactory with a value of 0.18 h-1 despite the fact that it is the rehabilitation of a building that is more than 74 years old.

By passing this test we are getting closer to the goal of achieving the First Passivhaus Certification for a State Public Building, thus demonstrating that the Public Administration has the capacity to promote Nearly Zero Energy Buildings under the most demanding standard, demonstrating a more efficient and sustainable building.

From Play Arquitectura we want to thank the work of the technicians of the General Directorate of State Assetstoday of the UTE companies Ocisa-HNV, Onhaus and Blas Recio Carpentry without them it would not have been possible to overcome this challenge.

March 11, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Play Arquitectura participates in the 22nd Passivhaus Conference in Munich

On March 9 and 10, 2018, Play Arquitectura participated in the 22nd International Passivhaus Conference held in Munich.

At this Conference with more than 1,000 attendees, Play Arquitectura presented the Passivhaus and BREEM Rehabilitation project of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrationss.

In turn, at the presentation of the Plenary Hall on March 10, the New Zealand architect Elrond Burrell presented the Villamediana Library as an example of a Passivhaus building with careful aesthetics and integration into the environment.

December 29, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

The Villamediana Library in the Italian magazine Azero

Article on Play Arquitectura highlighting the work of the Municipal Library of Villamediana de Iregua as the first public building in Spain certified under the Passivhaus standard.

November 13, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

Play Architecture at the 8th CEPH in Pamplona

Play Arquitectura participated in the 8th Spanish Passivhaus Conference The event was held at the Baluarte in Pamplona on November 2, 3, 4 and 5. Esteban Pardo, representing Play Arquitectura, gave a presentation at the Institutional Conference on the experiences of the Passivhaus standard in Urban Planning and Public Building. As an unprecedented event in the Passivhaus Conferences, it is worth highlighting the significance of the institutional conference due to the large number of city councils and public institutions from all over the country interested in incorporating energy efficiency parameters as demanding as the Passivhaus standard in building regulations and in public and protected housing construction.


Other notable aspects of the 8th Conference were the high quality of the selected technical presentations and the presence of a large number of certified construction product suppliers, which demonstrates the standardisation of the Spanish construction sector.

November 2, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

Play Architecture at the Construtec “ePower&Building” forum

Esteban Pardo, representing Play Arquitectura, participated in the Construtec forum at the ePower&Building fair held at the Ifema exhibition centre in Madrid.

September 28, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

Library article in Passive House Magazine +

In the latest issue of the prestigious Irish magazine Passive House + Published in September 2016, an article on the subject of the international work has been included in the selection of international works. Municipal Library of Villamediana de Iregua.

The article describes graphically and textually the design and construction singularities of the building to achieve the Passive House standard in a climate in Northern Spain.  

August 20, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

Work has begun on the first Passivhaus and BREEAM building in the State

On August 8, representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and the UTE HNV-OCISA signed the start of the works of the RComprehensive reform of the property located at 9 Doctores Castroviejo Street in Logroño, La Rioja.

The UTE HNV-OCISA was awarded the contract with a budget of €2,288,526 and a total execution period of 11 months.

With the start of this work, the renovation of the first public building in Spain that will comply with Passivhaus and BREEAM certifications begins, becoming a pilot experience for the public administration in terms of energy efficiency, comfort, health and sustainability. 



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