Passivhaus Nursery School in Parque Venecia

L building of the Venice Park Nursery School It is designed as a pilot project for this type of equipment to reduce construction time and meet the highest sustainability and energy efficiency requirements.

To meet these objectives, a structural and thermal envelope system is proposed, prefabricated in a workshop using a light wooden framework designed to meet the Passivhaus standard for a nearly zero-consumption building.

Zaragoza City Hall
January, 2023
Project Type:
Nursery School
Play Architecture


The needs programme is the one drawn up by the Municipal Board of Education and Libraries and consists of a centre with 8 paired classrooms that have the greatest possible versatility to adapt to possible changes in trends in the care/education of children in the 0-3 age range.

The execution of this project began in June 2022 and was completed in January 2023, in a record time of 6 and a half months for a 1850m2 nursery school building. This building has an exterior cladding of grey autoclaved Douglas pine slats so that its appearance does not change over the years. The main entrance was built in CLT since one of the goals of the project is to be able to use as much natural and low-energy materials as possible, thus making it more user-friendly and with the lowest possible carbon footprint.

The interior spaces have been designed to make the best possible use of natural light and with dimensions and proportions that are most suitable for the intended uses, allowing for great versatility. Thus, two large interior spaces have been planned in the building, the first of which is a large hall with a set of roofs that allows a sequence of light inputs that serves a double function as a distribution hall and an interior patio for days of adverse weather. The next large interior space is the multipurpose room, planned as a play area, a large dining room or to hold school cultural events or meetings for parents with independent access.

Active systems for indoor spaces include the best technologies for ventilation with high-efficiency heat recovery and for integrated air conditioning in ceilings and walls with a high diffusion capacity.


In July 2023, 6 months after its completion, the neighbourhood in which the nursery school is located suffered a severe flood that caused major damage to the surrounding buildings, leaving the Nursery School unscathed, a fact that demonstrates its high construction performance.

play architecture

Project Gallery

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