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September 15, 2020 by piglet 0 Comments

BREEAM Logroño Railway Seal

Play Arquitectura collaborates in the BREEAM certification team of the Logroño Railway integration project, which began the certification process last September

June 7, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Official Visit to the Passivhaus Building Ministry

On June 7, 2018, an institutional visit was made to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration Building Rehabilitated under standard Passivhaus and certified BREEAMThe visit, led by the Government delegate and the President of the Autonomous Community, aimed to learn about the details of the Rehabilitation and the high performance in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability of the Building.

The Play Arquitectura team attended the visit to explain the details of the project and the direction of the work, as well as all the unique features of this State pilot project that is currently a benchmark in energy efficiency and sustainability.

May 16, 2018 by piglet 0 Comments

Blower Door of Castroviejo Construction Site Surpassed

Today the Blower Door test was carried out in the Rehabilitation work under the Passivhaus standard of the Building located at Calle Doctores Castroviejo 9 in Logroño, which the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration will allocate to offices for various ministerial delegations.

The result of the test carried out by Energy House It has been very satisfactory with a value of 0.18 h-1 despite the fact that it is the rehabilitation of a building that is more than 74 years old.

By passing this test we are getting closer to the goal of achieving the First Passivhaus Certification for a State Public Building, thus demonstrating that the Public Administration has the capacity to promote Nearly Zero Energy Buildings under the most demanding standard, demonstrating a more efficient and sustainable building.

From Play Arquitectura we want to thank the work of the technicians of the General Directorate of State Assetstoday of the UTE companies Ocisa-HNV, Onhaus and Blas Recio Carpentry without them it would not have been possible to overcome this challenge.

August 20, 2016 by piglet 0 Comments

Work has begun on the first Passivhaus and BREEAM building in the State

On August 8, representatives of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations and the UTE HNV-OCISA signed the start of the works of the RComprehensive reform of the property located at 9 Doctores Castroviejo Street in Logroño, La Rioja.

The UTE HNV-OCISA was awarded the contract with a budget of €2,288,526 and a total execution period of 11 months.

With the start of this work, the renovation of the first public building in Spain that will comply with Passivhaus and BREEAM certifications begins, becoming a pilot experience for the public administration in terms of energy efficiency, comfort, health and sustainability.

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